7 ways young Nigerians are making money

Young Nigerians are cashing out big with these ideas.

Earning your salary alone will not be enough, you might need to engage in some side hustle to augment what you get from your job or create an opportunity for yourself to earn more money.

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Cryptocurrency is so complex, I cannot attempt to be an expert but here is the gist; it is a digital currency people invest in.

It is best to do your research before jumping on it; it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme; it’s simply a way to invest in good coins and sell when the prices go up.

just like every other business, there are loss and profits in crypto trading.

Swiftassets Forexx Academy

Another means of earning extra cash is forex trading and, just like crypto it is complex.

With crypto, you are investing in digital currency, with forex, you are investing in stock.

A research is also necessary.

Swiftassets Forexx Academy

Checking your WhatsApp status is enough to see young people buying and selling everything buyable and sellable, clothes, wrist watches, bags, wigs and all of that.

 ways young Nigerians are making money

This is different from trading which is buying and selling. Young people pool money to do businesses like car hire services, logistics companies, tech companies, real estate firms, and fashion companies.

 ways young Nigerians are making money

For many, they’ve chosen to do art or graphic design either on the side or to get out of salaried employment and, they can earn a decent living from it.

Young people earn a living or make a few extra bucks by making creating exciting content on social media platforms.

With consistent creation and posting, they get enough audience to attract advertisers.

It takes a lot of patience and passion to do.

With the pervasion of the internet with videos and pictures by celebrities and non-celebrities alike, the demand for photographers and videographers has increased, and young people have plugged themselves into this to earn a few extra bucks.

Contrary to popular belief, Nigerian youths are not lazy especially, when it comes to creating

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